Dominica Island: Do you love the idea of an exotic island Vacation? You have never been to the nature island Dominica but you would like a sneak preview? Then visit Dominica Daily Photo blog every day and you will find a brand new picture, taken by one of its residents: me of course! Photo Wish list welcomed – what about Dominica do you want to see?

May 29, 2008

Kubuli Beer, Naturally!

What better way to start-off Dominica Daily photo(DDP), with me drink a cold kubuli beer. DDP is all about Dominica and simply enjoying life to the fullest. So here's for every Dominican who haven't had a cold kubuli in a long time... It's going down good.

Did you know?
In 2002 Kubuli Beer - emerged a Gold Medal recipient in the Monde Selection Awards. This competition is organized by Monde Selection, a well known institution in Brussels whose sole purpose is to distinguish quality products.